Welcome to The Subnautica forum, where you can discuss about Subnautica!
We have some rules here. Please follow them.
1. Don't swear. Posts with swear words will be edited/deleted by the admin.
2. Be polite and respectful to everyone.
3. No advertising. Advertisement posts will be deleted.
4. No writing about inappropriate/illegal stuff.
5. Everything must be related to Subnautica (except in chatbox.
6. If you're going to post a seed or a tip, please check if it wasn't posted before.
7. Don't write ALL UPPERCASE.
8. Use proper grammar and punctuation.
9. Please don't use too many emoticons
10. If you want to be a moderator, please send a request to an admin via PM. Tell why you want to become a moderator.
11. Don't spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam please.
12. If you want to change your username just PM an admin. Don't send too many requests in a short time.
13. When registered an account, you'll get a welcome message. Please don't reply to it, you probably won't receive an answer.
Additional info:
1. Registered users gain access to new forums:
Easter eggs
Off topic
2. Not following the rules may result in a warning or a ban.
Thank you for reading.
Super-Admin (SA), Enzo Fischer